
8 reasons I love coffee

Focusing more on this blog

It's cold outside..very cold

Why you should remove stress from your life

Coffee is the elixir of life (I love coffee)

How do you get rid of stress?

Isn't coffee amazing?

Talking about my love for the holidays

Struggles lead to blessings (inspirational post)

It's election day here in the U.S. (blog post)

Why I love Infinite Waters (diving deep) on youtube

I'm recovering from a head injury (blog post)

People taking hours and hours to text back (blog post/rant)

My thoughts about late replies while texting (they suck)

After an argument, you have to give people space

What's the "point" of the Cinemassacre Truth subreddit?

My original inspiration for blogging, John Chow

Thoughts on the "new" Cinemassacre

Taking time to enjoy life (blog post)

Always be kind (life advice)

Link building vs attracting backlinks naturally (SEO)

Quick update...(talking about my various youtube channels)

Still trying to keep my stress down

Recently starting getting into the band..."The Misfits"

I lost Twitter followers and I'm happy about it

Why you should be grateful for what you have

How to be lit bro.. (advice)

Thursday vlog (youtube video)

Mini site I made

Feeling really stressed out (blog)

The problem with youtube hustle culture

My body is starting to reject soda

A vlog about my favorite instant coffee (Nescafe)

It's the weekend..and I'm feeling very happy (blog post)

I get ghosted so much.. (vlog video)

Where's my cat? (funny youtube video)

Talking about my love for coffee

Coffee will make this night better (video)

Demi Demi..youtuber (my thoughts on him)

My love affair with diet soda

My thoughts on the Retrowave music movement

Life is frustrating sometimes

I had a traumatic experience

I'm feeling very tired (vlog video)

There's always hope (inspirational blog post)

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