Why you should remove stress from your life

Sometimes you have to do things to remove stress from your life. So in trying to do that, I deleted a few of the blogs that I had. They were smaller blogs, I didn't really have a lot of people reading them or anything. 

I had too many blogs, so I couldn't focus on all of them. Now my main blogs are this one and my YouTube channel website.

I feel like in life, doing less is oftentimes more. It's not good to spread yourself too thin. It adds extra stress to your life. So I am trying to remove stress. I already have enough blogs, YouTube channels, social media, etc.

I'm trying to focus on "less is more"

When you have too much going on, it can quickly become overwhelming. That's what you don't want.

Minimalism is the key. It's the whole Buddhist mindset thing. Feng shui and all that. Get rid of clutter and make things simple.

Doing too much is highly overrated. It's really not good to try to spread yourself thin. It really doesn't help anything. 

When you keep things minimal and simple, your mind is nice and clear. And a clear mind leads to a lot of happiness. Happiness is always the goal in life. A simple life is a happy one.

That's a good mantra to have

I love anything that has to do with feng shui or Buddhism. Buddhism talks a lot about keeping things simple, especially when it comes to possessions. 

Buddhist monks live with very little, and they're super happy about it. Don't you want to be happy like that?

You don't have to get rid of everything, but the less clutter you have in your life, the better off you'll be. Just something to help you out.

Being lighter

You'll overall just feel lighter and more free when you have less clutter in your life and less stress. It's good for your mental health. Being a happier person is one of the goals in life, and you will definitely achieve that.

Many people realize they need to de-stress and simplify their life, but they might not know where to begin. If you're one of those people, don't worry, you can start with one thing and progress from there. Just remove one small stressor from your life, and things will begin to get better.


  1. I think blogging is supposed to be fun. ...not stressful.

    1. It's definitely fun my friend, I love blogging. I just had other blogs, I had too many I couldn't keep up so I'm focusing on this one now.


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