Why I hate water levels in videos games


  • I have an aversion to water in real life, so water levels remind me of that
  • Water levels often have bad controls
  • Water levels are often too challenging to actually be fun
The water level from Donkey Kong Country
A Donkey Kong Country water level 

I wanted to explain why I hate water levels in video games (generally speaking). We've all been playing a game, and then you come across the dreaded water stage. Almost every game you can think of has one, or a few.

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I'm not sure why so many games feel they need to include them, but that is what it is. I have always disliked video game water levels.


There are a couple of reasons for this. For one, I almost drowned when I was a kid, so I've always kind of had an aversion to water.

Super Mario Bros. water level
A Super Mario Bros water stage

So I think playing water stages somehow brings back that memory or something, if that makes sense. The other main reason I hate water levels is the controls (the gameplay mechanics).


It's usually very hard to control your character when you're trying to navigate the water. Whether it's swimming or walking through water, it's typically very slow and hard to control.

I think that's why most people dislike these types of levels. I think the consensus is that they're just usually not fun.

In some games, these stages are manageable, but often not. The best thing we can do is just tough our way through them.

Water level from Sonic the Hedgehog
A Sonic the Hedgehog water section


I don't think water levels are entirely bad in video games. They definitely have their place, and some games are able to pull them off very nicely. It really depends on the game and how it's executed. I think to pull off a water level successfully, the main thing is that the controls have to be good.

The water temple from Ocarina of Time
The Ocarina of Time water temple

The level should be fun to play, not a complete nightmare. And some games do actually manage to make these levels fun.

The important thing with video games is to have fun. Some people love water levels, and some don't, and that's totally okay. Leave a comment and let us know if you like water levels.


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