Hebrew National vs Nathans Famous hot dog comparison

 Today I wanted to rank and compare my 2 favorite hot dog brands, Hebrew National and Nathan's Famous. So what is the conclusion when it comes to Hebrew National vs Nathans?

When you think of hot dogs, what do you think of them? Ball Park? Oscar Meyer? Those are great hot dogs too, I honestly love them.

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But if you're looking for premium, high-quality franks, Hebrew National and Nathan's Famous are two of the best. So I'll just do a quick review of each and then explain which one wins in my opinion.

Hebrew National

Picture of Hebrew National beef franks

I first tried these hot dogs a couple of months ago. I was looking for a premium dog that I hadn't tried before, and I had always wanted to try these.

My first reaction was...wow, these taste like a REAL hot dog. They taste SORT OF like the kind you would get in a ballpark.


They are very crisp, so they have a little bit of a "snap" when you bite into them. They're a little juicy, but not the juiciest I've ever had.

One thing about Hebrew National is they're known for using the highest quality cuts of beef. So these dogs are very meaty and you can definitely taste the difference.

Stock photo of a girl eating a hot dog

Flavor-wise, they taste ALMOST like you would expect a classic hot dog to taste, except these have a unique seasoning, so they taste a little different.

As far as the price goes, they do cost more than a ballpark or something like that. But you get what you pay for, and it's worth the extra cost.

Overall, I give Hebrew National a 9/10 in my Hebrew National vs Nathans review.

Nathan's Famous

A package of Nathan's Famous hot dogs

What can I say about these except, they're fricking awesome! I actually only tried these about a month ago for the first time.

I had recently tried Hebrew National…and I was kind of on a kick of trying new hot dogs. Furthermore, I still hadn't found the perfect dog yet, that is, until I tried Nathan's Famous.

Upon the first bite of one of these, I was blown away by the flavor. 👀

They taste exactly like you would expect a classic hot dog to taste. 

They're very plump and super juicy. I will say these don't have as much of a "snap" as the Hebrew National, since these are skinless franks.


But these are the authentic New York Coney Island hot dogs that they actually sell on the street in some parts of New York.

So if you're looking for a taste and quality that is authentic, these are what you want. Nathan's Famous will blow you away for sure if you've never had them.

Price-wise, this cost quite a bit more, but it's worth every penny if you want a premium dog.

And of course, they're all beef, so you're getting high quality there too.
Overall, these are the favorite I've ever tried yet, and I give them a full 10/10.

The winner

Overall, these are both really tasty and high-quality hot dogs…and I really love them both, but when it comes to Hebrew National vs Nathans, Nathan's is the clear winner for me. Although they cost more, they have the flavor of a classic authentic New York hot dog that I had been craving. And although they are pretty pricey, they're worth every penny.


Nathan's was formed in 1916 in Coney Island and started as a hot dog stand selling them for a nickel a piece. The name "Nathan's" comes from its cofounder Nathan Handwerker. He started the hot dog business alongside his wife Ida, whose grandmother is the one who came up with the flavor recipe for the spices used in the product.

In 1987, the company branched out into franchises and expanded across New York and other areas as well.


Hot dogs are definitely a staple of American food culture. They have been around so long, and I can't imagine life without them.

Think about all the summers you have where you bite into a crisp dog. I can't imagine summer without them, either. We've all had times like that when we're hanging out with friends and family around a grill in the summer. Just having some fun, eating some hot dogs.

No matter how you like them, they bring people together, especially in the heat of summer. Hanging around a bonfire in the summer is great as well. And just being with the people you love.


They're good any time of year, though. Hot dogs are just great food that really fills you up and satisfies you.

There's just something about them that is so great to enjoy, especially on a hot day. Thinking about having one right now, with cold soda pop.

But I don't have any hot dogs at the moment.

I better go get some! 

Do you keep them in your fridge at all times? I go through phases where I eat more hot dogs than normal. Like sometimes I will just crave them, especially the higher-quality varieties.

I used to eat cheap hot dogs a lot too. They're still pretty good, but I usually crave a better quality dog these days. But in general, I just love them. I do get burned out on them sometimes if I eat too many. That's with any food, though.

Too much of anything is bad, for sure.

Even though I've laid out the best reasons why one of these hot dogs is the winner in my opinion, that might not be true for everyone. Some of you reading this might not even like either of these brands of hot dogs.

Some people prefer something like Ball Park or Oscar Mayer, which is totally fine. Those aren't bad hot dogs by any means. I enjoy both of those. I simply chose these two brands to compare because they are well-known for being high-quality food products.

A hot dog, fries and a coca cola

I remember back before I tried either of these, I thought Ball Park and Oscar Mayer were the best out there. As I said, those are very tasty. 👌

But there are better options out there if you're willing to spend more cash. I love that these two brands, I've ranked, have that genuine "New York-style hot dog" flavor to them. I've never even been to New York, but I wanted to know what all the hype was about.

At least now I can say I've tried authentic hot dogs. I got what I was hoping for, and I didn't really pay a crazy amount for it, although I will say these two brands are a little pricey.


But they are both totally worth it. I would definitely go for the Nathan's if you're a true hot dog lover. Before I had Nathan's, I thought Hebrew National was the best. And they are very good, for sure. They're just not the absolute best. 

Like I said, though, I love dogs in general. How could you not? Hot dogs are something that anyone can enjoy, and sometimes they actually bring people together. I hope you enjoyed my Hebrew National vs Nathans review.

A hot dog in a bun with mustard
What do you like on your hot dog? Mustard only, as pictured above? That's usually how I eat mine. Or do you like ketchup as well?

A frank in a bun with a glass of soda

Whichever brand of hot dog you prefer, they also go great with soda. Don't forget that! We can all agree, that hot dogs are good, no matter when you enjoy them. We each have our own way to enjoy them, for sure. It doesn't matter how you like to eat them, you can have them anyway you want, that's the beauty of it. Do what makes you happy!


If you haven't yet tried either of these brands, you need to try them at least once. That way you can see which one you prefer. See what "floats your boat". These pictures sure do make hot dogs look appetizing. I could go for Nathan's right now.


What about you? What kind of hot dogs do you like? Do you live in New York and eat authentic dogs? Or do you live somewhere else and just buy them from the store? We'd love to know what your favorite brand of frank is. Let us know in the comments.


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