How do you get rid of stress?

 I've been trying to figure out how to deal with stress and anxiety. I have a really hard time with it. Not only that, but I'm stressed out most of the time. It's not healthy.

No one should be stressed out all the time. I do have relaxing time periods where I take breaks…but I need to learn to manage my stress better.

Stress can be unhealthy

I hate having to get frustrated and let my stress out in unhealthy ways. I need to find healthier coping mechanisms. 

Being in the public image with blogging, YouTube, social media etc…can be extremely stressful. There's just something about putting yourself out there that can be very hard at times. Most people don't understand that.

Working online can be stressful

Working from home has its own set of stresses, just like anything else. Putting yourself out there on the internet is not for everyone.

It can be very hard sometimes. So that's where a lot of my stress comes from. How do you deal with stress? We all definitely have our own methods of dealing with it. Share your thoughts in a comment below. Thanks for reading.


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