Be grateful for the little things

Gratitude is amazing..the law of attraction and so on. When you're grateful for little blessings in your life...the universe blesses you with larger and larger blessings!

Be grateful for everything you receive..and you will wind up getting more! It really works. The law of attraction will change your whole life.

You will see that the universe is abundant..and is full of miracles..just waiting to bless you. Just have faith.

Everything you want will be yours..if you're grateful for what you already have. 

Gratitude is like magic, it really does bring great things into our lives. It will make great things happen for you.

Practice it everyday and watch your life change.

UPDATE 2022: I still practice gratitude on a MOSTLY daily basis. I still falter sometimes, I'm definitely not perfect.

But I know that there is so much to be thankful for. Even when I'm having a cup of coffee, I feel so blessed to be able to drink that. Life is just an amazing journey.


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