Keywords are the foundation of internet marketing

If I could tell anyone starting out online..whether it's youtube, blogging, email marketing, affiliate marketing..etc..I would tell them this one thing. Learn how to use keywords to attract traffic from search engines.

Long tail keywords are the best form of free promotion you are going to find. If you use keywords correctly, your blog, youtube channel, twitter account, Instagram, etc will all show up in Google searches and you will get a lot of visitors to them.

No matter what you're trying to do whether it's grow a youtube channel, blog, or email list, you need to use keywords otherwise most people will not be able to find you.

Keywords will help you grow big..for free. They are completely free. You just have to take the time to do the research. The rest after that is easy..just sit back and watch your websites grow! One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't learn the importance of keywords earlier in my marketing.


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