Talking about my love for coffee

I made this little website about my love for coffee. Coffee really is life. I can't imagine life without it. 
I started making these little mini web pages, to link to YouTube videos and stuff like that.

They're just fun to make. I could talk about coffee all day long, though. It's one of my top 5 favorite things to drink.

How I love my brew

I drink black coffee most of the time. I just like it without things added to it. That's how I enjoy it the most, so I can enjoy the flavor of it.

Can you imagine life without coffee? I can't. What a dull existence that would be. Coffee is definitely a staple of American culture. 

Americans love to drink it

Not just American, though. So many countries around the world enjoy a cup of Joe! Coffee has become a staple for a large percentage of people. People drink this glorious drink in the morning to get a pick-me-up and get their day started.

And I don't blame them. It really gives you the energy you need. Are you one of the many folks who love to drink the good brew? Let me know in the comments, guys. I always love to hear from my readers what they think.


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