Why do I love coffee so much?

 I love coffee so much for so many reasons…as I've stated in other blog posts. But one of the main reasons I love it so much is the EXPERIENCE it gives me when I drink it. Can you relate? 

Drinking a cup of Joe is a whole experience. The feeling you get when you take the first sip is like nothing else I've ever experienced. 

A cup of Joe is amazing

It's hard to put it into words. 

A cup of hot steaming coffee
Look at that beautiful coffee.

This entire feeling comes over you. It's like pure ecstasy. It wakes you up and makes you feel alive. In fact, I feel most alive when I'm drinking the good brew.

It's like being in a meditative state. I'm sure if you drink coffee, you know exactly what I mean. It's such a pure feeling.

Coffee is relaxing

It's like ASMR. Furthermore, it feeds the soul. Coffee is a Godsend. How can something like this be so heavenly? Who wants to have a cup of Joe right now?

Raise your hand. Let's all toast to the good life. A good life is when you drink coffee slowly, and look outside, and appreciate nature. And when you just appreciate everything you have. Life wouldn't be the same without a cup of Joe every day. 

An amazing drink

I love coffee so much, that's why I talk about it all the time. I make videos and blog posts about it. I'll never stop sharing my love for this amazing drink.

Have a cup of this amazing beverage today, friend!


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