Here are my thoughts on Cinemassacre putting out a lower quantity of videos lately. Well, it's happened more and more over the last year or so.
Last year, they put out a lot more videos. This year, it seems like there have only been a couple handfuls. Why is this the case?
There is a lot of speculation on the Cinemassacre Truth Subreddit...a lot of people are calling James lazy and saying he doesn't have the passion anymore to make videos.
I don't personally think James is lazy...I think he's extremely burned out…there is a difference.
No time
There is of course the whole "no time" thing.
He always claims to have no time to do videos...and he wants to make a horror movie, but he came out with another video saying he has no time to make the movie.
So the question is…if he really has "no time"..then why is that the case? He hired Screenwave to basically take over the channel.
So what does James do at this point?
I get that he's a family man and all that. But at this point, he's putting his kids over his dream of being a filmmaker.
If he wants to keep making films, he needs to do it while he's still young and has the time. He shouldn't wait until he's 60 to do what he's dreamed of.
Sometimes you just have to go for it and do the things you want in life. You don't always get a "perfect" opportunity…sometimes you have to create that change yourself.
James has a lot of dreams and goals. He wants to make more films...that is his passion, after all. So he needs to go for it.
But he seems to think he doesn't have time to start. I think he needs to just start somewhere, even if he takes baby steps.
Action steps 👍
You just have to take small action steps sometimes. Every step gets you closer to your goal. Well, this is turning into a motivational piece. Haha.
Where do you think James' passion has gone? It almost seems like he never really wanted to be a YouTuber at all.
After all, Mike is the one who talked him into creating the AVGN. Thank God that Mike did that, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even have all those amazing nerd episodes.
But if it wasn't for Mike, would James even be on YouTube? Does James even have a passion for gaming?
He's said it himself a few times, he's "more of a movie guy". That's his thing, he's into films. He even considers most of his YouTube work to be films.
If that's what he wants to consider, that's fine by me, I don't have a problem with it. Some of those videos though, I would consider "shorts".
It seems like James feels there's something wrong with being labeled a "YouTuber". It's like he doesn't want to be seen as that or associated with it. Why? There's nothing wrong with making videos on YouTube.
Just my thoughts. I don't think James is lazy, but his passion seems to have dried up. Hopefully, he can get it back.
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