Talking about the problem I see with "hustle culture". It is actually a very toxic thing. Hustle culture is so common in our society.
It's something that we promote and teach people all the time. You hear about it everywhere. All over the internet, TV, and other media.
You're always hearing about how you should work harder and more hours. Keep hustling! I'm not saying working hard is bad.
It's actually very good
But you need to learn to take breaks and relax sometimes. It's not good to just constantly work and burn yourself out.
It's just not healthy. But people make you believe it is. In our society, it's frowned upon to take breaks or vacations.
4-day workweek?
Why? In some parts of the world, they have 4-day workweeks, and they have found that people are a lot happier and more productive.
If you're constantly working, then you can't really be happy. I don't believe our bodies are designed to be constantly working.
I believe taking lots of breaks is good for us. You can do a lot better work when you're not "spinning your wheels". See what I mean?
Just take it easy
Take a break once in a while, it will be really good for you. Just try it out and see what I mean. I love taking breaks to have some coffee or just stare out the window. It really makes your soul happy. When was the last time you just spaced out?
I think we forget to just relax sometimes.
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