Has Cinemassacre changed? Well, yes. I've made YouTube videos about this, so I wanted to write a proper blog post about it.
Cinemassacre has changed over the years…there's no question about it. It seems that a lot of people are unhappy with the direction the channel/company has gone in…over the last 10 years or so.
Have things changed?
Ever since Bootsy and Kyle left, things haven't "quite" been the same. That's pretty apparent.
The "newer" fans seem to be perfectly ok with it, at least most of them.
I personally am still a big fan of them. However, I do really miss the way things used to be. I miss Bootsy more than anyone, probably.
And don't forget...
Kyle as well. They were such an integral part of the company and the videos. Even though they weren't in that many episodes, they definitely left their mark on us all. And are still in our hearts and minds.
The most notable changes have happened not only with Kyle and Bootsy leaving but also with the introduction of the Screenwave guys.
I personally haven't watched too much of these guys, so I can't really give an honest opinion…but I will say that the videos have a different "feel" to them now.
Except for the ones with just James and Mike. Those feel like classic Cinemassacre.
People don't like the new stuff?
A lot of people complain about the corporate feel of the new videos, and people say that James doesn't seem like his passion is there anymore.
I kind of agree, he seems like not the same energetic, passionate guy we once knew. Maybe he has lost his passion for making videos?
I don't really know. But I guess he hasn't been the same since he made the movie…at least that's what a lot of people are saying.
The truth sub
People on the Cinemassacre Truth Subreddit really get deep into this subject. I follow that sub and there is some good and bad there.
I feel like a lot of people are too hard on James and Mike. I feel like they're doing the best they can. It would be hard to run a company like that and still find time to make content yourself, which is why they hired the Screenwave guys.
It's all part of it
It's just part of growing a company. But yes, I honestly do miss when it was just the original group, and it felt like just a bunch of great friends making videos together.
It just seems like they had more fun back then. But I'll always be a fan. Who knows, maybe things could still go back to how they were.
Update 2024:
I believe the Screenwave crew still works for the Cinemassacre company and channel, but they no longer appear in any videos on the channel. They made that decision a year or two ago. I'm not sure why exactly they stopped appearing in videos, but they did.
Now, they apparently just help run things behind the scenes, which is fine by me.
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