You have to ignore the trolls you guys, it's the best way. There are a lot of trolls on the Internet. But you don't have to let them bring you down. Just simply ignore them.
It works very well. Trolls have gotten a lot worse than they used to be. You just have to understand that what they think about you or your content doesn't even matter.
It's part of the game
Being a content creator on the internet, you are going to deal with internet trolls. It's just a fact of life. But the good news is, their opinion doesn't matter.
They hate you because they want to be you. They are jealous, plain, and simple. Not only that, but they just want what you have.
They wish they could be you
Secretly, they wish they could make content, but some of them won't actually do it. So they hate you because you actually are chasing your dreams.
Just don't even worry about it. Why would you waste time on people who don't even matter? Don't do that, whatever you do.
Just keep doing what you do and keep going no matter what.
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