Well, it's midnight, which means it's no longer Thanksgiving. But now it's Friday..woohoo!! The funny thing is, Thanksgiving this year was a little different..because literally, nobody invited me over to their house.
That's the first time in a while that nobody has.
It felt strange.
As grateful as I am for all my blessings...I have to admit, that really hurt a lot.
The fact that NOBODY wanted to spend the holiday with me. Wow. Honestly..it is what it is. It just showed me that I'm not as important to some people as I thought I was.
At the end of the day, we have ourselves, and maybe a couple other people if we're lucky. But there will be days when you have nobody but yourself.
You have to learn how to be there for YOURSELF.
It's strange when you barely have any family left..and hardly any friends left as well.
I am truly a loner. I've been that way most of my life...but I used to have more people in my life. I just have to accept the loneliness as a gift. And appreciate the handful of people who are still in my life.
All that aside...I am really grateful for everything the Lord has blessed me with. There's a quote by the Buddha.."When you realize how perfect everything is..you'll tilt your head back and laugh at the sky."
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