I am eating less tonight. I'm trying to do fasting at least once a day. Eating less is a lot healthier for you. It helps you burn fat, gives you more energy, and just keeps you healthier overall.
It makes you live longer too.
I had a problem with snacking too much every time I got hungry, but I'm getting that under control now. It's actually good for your body to be hungry sometimes.
Image source: https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2020/01/what-is-intermittent-fasting/
It releases good stuff in your body that improves your health overall. I love the feeling of fasting. I'm also doing it for karma and spiritual reasons. Good karma is very important to me..and fasting is one way of clearing your karma.
I usually do liquid fasting.
I don't really do fasting where I don't drink anything. Even if you drink fluids, it's OK..because you're abstaining from food. Which is very important. I recommend fasting to everyone.
It will increase your quality of life and give you so much more energy.
It will increase your quality of life and give you so much more energy.
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