I've been fasting and eating less (blog post)

I am eating less tonight. I'm trying to do fasting at least once a day. Eating less is a lot healthier for you. It helps you burn fat, gives you more energy, and just keeps you healthier overall. 

It makes you live longer too.

I had a problem with snacking too much every time I got hungry, but I'm getting that under control now. It's actually good for your body to be hungry sometimes.

Photo of a clock on a dinner plate

Image source: https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2020/01/what-is-intermittent-fasting/

It releases good stuff in your body that improves your health overall. I love the feeling of fasting. I'm also doing it for karma and spiritual reasons. Good karma is very important to me..and fasting is one way of clearing your karma.

I usually do liquid fasting. 

I don't really do fasting where I don't drink anything. Even if you drink fluids, it's OK..because you're abstaining from food. Which is very important. I recommend fasting to everyone.

It will increase your quality of life and give you so much more energy. 


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