bowl cut maintenance.wmv

This video is awesome. I remember when I first learned about "bowl cut guy". This guy is hilarious. I actually went through a phase where I was watching his youtube channel all the time.

I haven't watched it in a long time though, I'm not sure what he's up to these days. This video is hilarious though.

Just a guy giving himself a bowl cut. 

His hair is pretty epic though, you have to admit. His video blew up and went viral on youtube.

Lucky for sure. It would be awesome to have a video blow up like that. He became very well known after this video blew up.

UPDATE: I watched Hamish's Youtube channel for a year or two pretty regularly after I found this video. He's a pretty well-known Youtuber at this point. He's made a very nice life for himself and is a genuinely nice guy.

Go check out his channel if you get a chance, it will change your life. It's amazing what going viral can do for you, as he is very well-known now.


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