Cool weather is here finally

 It's finally cool weather here in Missouri. The fall weather really just came out of nowhere. It's not freezing cold or anything, but it's definitely cooler. I went for a walk today, which was nice. I love going for walks.

The walks are really enjoyable in the cool weather. To feel the breeze blowing on you. It's been a pretty chill day so far. Just have been working on my YouTube channels and stuff like that.

I love being a YouTuber and a blogger. I'm very thankful for it. It also gives me something to do when the weather is cool outside.

Staying in

Sometimes staying inside is really fun to do. 

I love it. I love making vlogs on cool days too, that's really fun to make as well.

Just feeling really thankful today. Fall is a great time, it reminds us of what's important. That's the way I view it, anyway. With the holiday season and everything. 


November is almost here...I'm going to put out my Christmas decorations soon! I love putting out my decorations super early. Furthermore, I've had someone make fun of me for it, but it doesn't matter. I love getting in the holiday spirit.

It's a time of year that most people love, and for good reason. It's easy to see why winter time has so many benefits. It's not for everyone, but I love it sometimes. Cool weather is very nice, for sure.

What type of weather is your favorite? We all have our favorite season, but I'd love to hear yours, so leave a comment and let us know!

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