Feeling stressed...but blessed (blog post)

 I've been very stressed out recently. I'm almost always stressed, actually. I need better ways to cope with it. I have certain things I do for stress. 

Blocks that say count your blessings
There are always blessings

Some of them work better than others. Believe it or not, coffee actually seems to help with my stress. I love coffee so much.

Coffee makes me grateful

When I drink coffee, it's easy for me to stop and look around...and just realize how thankful I am for my life.

I'm thankful just to wake up to see another day. Every day is a blessing. Just to walk the earth is one of the greatest joys.

There are always blessings

There is so much to be grateful for. That should be my motto this summer...and from now on. Just to be thankful for the little things.

There's too much good in the world to be stressed out all the time. Focus on the good things and you'll realize how blessed you are.

A good night

I'm about to have some coffee and just enjoy my Friday night. How's your Friday going? What are you thankful for? Just keep in mind, there is always something to be grateful for. If more of us just counted our blessings, we'd be a lot happier in life.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts!


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