Why I love watching Mike Matei live streams (gaming)

I've been watching a lot of Mike Matei's live streams on YouTube. Well, he actually streams on Twitch, but I watch the re-uploads.

I love watching him play various games. He likes a lot of the same games I love. Mike is a really good gamer.

I think he doesn't get enough credit for how well he actually plays. He has done some really hard challenges, such as beating Ninja Gaiden with no death and no sub-weapons. Now that's hard!

Mike gets a lot of crap from trolls

But he keeps a good attitude about it. He has always been my favorite member of Cinemassacre.

I just feel like he and I are a lot alike. James is cool too though. But I feel like I relate to Mike a lot. I can relate to how he gets frustrated playing games.

I get like that sometimes

I'm excited to see what other challenges he is going to do. He does really long live streams...sometimes 7 hours or more!

His Ghosts and Goblins arcade stream was like, I think 12-15 hours or something. It's one of my favorites to go back and watch.

Time for bingeing

I love binge-watching his live streams. Makes for some great entertainment. You can't deny that Mike is a natural entertainer, he really is. 

He has some hilarious moments on his streams where he just has fun. Makes for a great time.


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