Sick day but staying positive

Having an off day today. Really am feeling like I have the flu or something, so I have to take it easy. Sometimes you just need an off day to relax and not do anything.

I am hoping to feel better soon so I can be back to my old self and get more things done. I'm too concerned with work though, I feel like that's what my whole life has become. I never just have fun anymore.

I'm going to start having more fun! That's what life is all about. In other news, my other blog "Whit's Blog" is going to be shutting down soon.

In about a week actually. For anyone who reads that blog, first off, let me apologize. Why is it shutting down?

Well, a number of reasons, one of them being that the blog has a severe Google penalty which I have not been able to recover.

As such, the traffic has been very minimal, so I decided it's time to just start fresh. So as of now, this blog you're reading right now will be my main blog!

I'm pretty excited about it. You can also check out my meme blog here:

Anyways, I will be posting here regularly now. Thanks so much for reading and I'll talk to you soon!


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