Aliens built the pyramids (seriously)

 Did you guys know that aliens built the pyramids? They really did. Or at least they helped the Egyptians build them.

They probably drank lots of coffee and then were like, "We're going to build these pyramids." That's probably what they did.

The aliens are advanced

The aliens clearly have advanced technology, so that's how they helped build the pyramids. They levitated the stones and all that. It was really cool.


Check it out

Hey Beavis, aliens built the pyramids. That's pretty cool. Huh, huh. What do you think of my theory? It's actually just facts. The aliens are super advanced. I can't imagine the Egyptians building those structures all by themselves.

It all fits perfectly

This all just makes sense if you think about it. I just like to spit facts, guys. I'm spitting straight facts. The pyramids are a technical wonder. I'd love to hear your thoughts in a comment. Leave a comment and tell me how you probably agree that the aliens helped build these amazing structures.


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