What I've been up to lately (blog post)

 Lately, I've been very stressed out. But I'm slowly getting my stress under control (I think). A lot of things really stress me out. Just life in general. 

Because there's always so much to do. But I try not to complain. I'm grateful for everything I have. I just need to learn to manage my stress better.

Thankfully, there is coffee. Which helps tremendously. I've been doing some spring cleaning around the house.

And just have been excited about spring in general. I've been still doing YouTube as well as my meme sites and pages. 

And blogging, of course. There's a lot to do. So I try to take lots of breaks. That's how I work best, in chunks. 

Some people are just built like that, and I'm one of them. I get burned out very easily, so I have to take lots of breaks.

I do my best work when I've had lots of time to recharge. I'm gonna try to blog more (I say that a lot), but I really mean it. 

I do love blogging. It's been my passion for a long time (since even before I was a YouTuber or anything like that.)

Stay tuned guys!


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