A very inspirational quote!

An inspirational quote about life
If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. It's not about always doing "big" things...it's about the heart and soul you put into even the smallest acts.

Sometimes all you can do is small things. Sometimes you can only take small steps. You can't always do great things.

It's not about how "big" the act is, it's about the love and heart you put into it. It's about the thoughts. It's like giving someone a gift.

You can't always give them a big gift...but you can put a lot of thought into a small gift, so it actually means more to them.

It's more about the thought and feeling behind the act.

You can change the world one step at a time, one person at a time, one random act of kindness at a time. Remember, like Morgan Freeman says?


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